Sunday pictures

Sunday was spent playing on the grass
sitting on the grass
eating the grass
being really cute (on the grass)
meeting new creatures
touching them
following them around
LOVING the turtles... not so much the rabbits
until realizing how soft they are

Little Kian is not so little anymore.

Dear Kian, last week you turned 10 months old. 10 is such a big number. and it's so close to 12. 
i'm not sad about you growing so fast, i'm amazed, surprised sometimes. but i'm not sad. and i'm not scared either. i love watching you grow. 
you have such an awesome personality. you're calm and content most of the day, but you also know how to let us know when you're not happy about something. when something doesn't go your way you throw your arms up and down but you're also very easily entertained and we can make you forget what you wanted on the first place just by showing you a toy or trying to tickle you. you're so ticklish. under the chin and neck are the best spots to make you laugh.
another thing about your personality that i love is how serious you get sometimes. and you give this look that is so grown up, so mature. and i can imagine you in 20 years giving me that very same look.
i love how curious you are. and i know all babies are curious by nature but i love watching you explore things, touch them, analyze them... i love how you tilt your head to the side or how you turn your head when you're following something or someone with your eyes. 

you're getting into everything these days and it's getting a little hard to keep up with you but i think you understand the meaning of "no". i just can't wait for the day that you stop putting everything you find in your mouth. 

10 months came with new teeth and new moves, you recently started to pull yourself up and dancing to music, you're also crawling with your stomach off the floor (although i loved your army crawl, your clothes don't get so dirty anymore).

this month also came with a big change, you suddenly stopped breastfeeding. and it was pretty clear that you wanted to stop. and you know, it was so easy and natural how it all happened from the beginning that it also had to end like that. 
kian, you're so much work but you're so much fun, and love, and laughs, and cuddles, and smiles, and happiness. 

i love you more every day.
desde que empezó a gatear si nos distraemos desaparece...

Hace unos días empezó a levantarse solito...

and he does this really funny laugh that sounds like a dolphin...

me encanta cuando los bebés descubren como usar sus dedos y señalan o tocan todo con un dedito.

so sleepy...

last night was the longest night EVER. before the first 2 teeth cut through (a couple of months ago) kian was a little fussy but it wasn't a big deal. now he's getting his top front teeth and he's in PAIN. last night he kept waking up crying and screaming... poor baby. paul and kian are taking a nap now... i need one too!


weekends have a new meaning now. they used to mean sleeping in and endless naps. kian doesn't know the difference between week days and weekends so he still wakes up around 7 am. i still love weekends. i love seeing kian a little surprised to see paul having breakfast with us. i love when paul takes kian with him and i get to stay in bed a little longer.

this weekend: on saturday we went to have lunch at the anello-gates' where paul spent the afternoon playing wii, gogo (or something like that) and soccer:

franco is wearing glasses now (only to watch TV) and he looks even older... he's gotten so big. everytime i see him and sebas i can't stop thinking that i'll blink and kian will be as big as they are now. 

on sunday we went to a small town called porongo (!) and on the way there we stopped by a "lake". (wait, what's the difference between a lago and a laguna? this was supposed to be a laguna) 
bolivia has beautiful places and amazing landscapes but i guess none of them are that close to santa cruz.

and last night i received a belated birthday gift from laila (my awesome sister-in-law) who gave me tickets to go see alejandro sanz!!!!! it was the best surprise ever. i didn't expect it at all and i got so excited i felt like a teenager again :D  the concert is on the 21st. i can't wait!

baby zoolander


aunque no parezca le encantó esta comidita. era remolacha con zanahorias y pollo. terminó todo de color rojo asi que aproveché que hacía calor y le di un bañito afuera en la pileta...

más tarde fuimos a comprarle algunos juguetes porque todos los que tenía eran para bebés más pequeños asi que fuimos en búsqueda de unos un poco más interactivos o entretenidos que sirvan para algo más que solo morderlos. hablando de juguetes, en algún momento pensé que me gustaría que kian solo tenga juguetes hechos de madera o tela y artesanales que los encuentro mucho más bonitos que los de plástico. ahora me doy cuenta que es medio imposible principalmente porque no se encuentran, y si hay, son mucho más caros... de todas formas también creo que los niños no necesitan decenas de juguetes para entretenerse y además pueden jugar con cualquier cosa que se les de. por ejemplo a kian le encanta jugar con botellas. anyway... aunque no me gusten tanto los juguetes de plástico tengo que reconocer que me encantan los little people.

racimo de estrellas

mientas kian y yo estábamos en los estados, unos días antes de nuestra llegada, paul arregló todo el jardín y puso estas plantitas abajo de la ventana de la cocina. ahora estan llenas de florcitas con forma de estrellas (o así las veo yo). cada vez que las veo me dan ganas de sonreir.

showing off his teeth