baby's first Ayyám-I-Há

on Friday we went out and got a couple of gifts, including a new outfit for Kian. he loves to go out during the day and falls asleep anywhere whenever he gets tired. going out at night is a different story, but it's not that bad...

on Saturday we went to the Anello's... where Paul got to play some games with Seby, Franco and Chichi.

On Sunday we had a little potluck and gift exchange at Nadia and Willy's...

And we got this cute picture from cousin Keilani

4 comentarios:

Leila Gates-Wai dijo...

y cual es la historia de la pluma/vincha en la cabeza de franquito?

lilo. dijo...

había actuado de indio en el colegio el día anterior y le gustó la vincha...

lilo. dijo...
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Leila Gates-Wai dijo...

lindo!! es mas coqueto franquito!!