letter to Kian, 3 months

Dear Kian,
i love you! you're only 3 months old and can't read my words but you probably already know how much i love you. I say it about a hundred times a day and even when i don't say it, those words are in my mind. Sometimes it's hard to believe how generous God has been to me... first i found your dad, and he found me, we found each other, became friends and soon realized we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together... a few years later you came into our lives, we made you "from scratch"... God made you for us... you're this brand new soul, perfect in every single way and you are ours. i get to spend my days watching you grow, feeding you, kissing your little feet and chubby cheeks, being amazed by you.
if that's not pure generosity, i don't know what is...

happy 3 months little one! 

2 comentarios:

Leila Gates-Wai dijo...

Note to self: do not read Lore's blog at work - me hiciste llorar en la oficina jaja! Esta tan hermoso! Cuando lo vea no lo suelto :)

Besitos y miles de besitos!!

Peripecias dijo...

Lore, yo creo que todas las mamás aman intensamente a sus hijos. Pero poder ponerlo en palabras es un don.

Te quiero mucho.


También me hiciste llorar, bybiscui!!