2 pictures and some predictions...

lua and kian chilling
they have the same hairdo

the other day i read the cutest letter written for a one year old... his grandmother was making predictions about what he would be in the future... it was pretty funny.
of course i had to think about kian and his future profession... these are my predictions:
1. a chef: many times paul has taken him into the kitchen and sat him in his stroller while he cooks, explaining step by step what he's doing... kian seems pretty interested.
2. a physicist: he seems pretty fascinated by the law of gravity. you give him a toy, he looks at it, throws it to the ground and watches it go down... you give it back to him and he throws it again... and again and again.
3. a professional swimmer: he loves the water, the swimming pool and when he's on the floor he kicks like he's swimming.
4. a soccer player (or a soccer fan but that's not a profession!): he's been exposed to soccer games on tv daily since before he was born. hmmm... maybe a sports journalists?
5. a pilot or a flight attendant: he's not even a year old and he's already been on 6 flights and he loved every single one (or at least he didn't mind them)
6. a soldier: he crawls like he's in a war zone.
7. a model: just cause he's so cute!

i can't think of anymore right now... whatever he becomes i hope it's something he loves! (ya tenía q decir algo cursi...) aunque ojalá no sea ni el 6 ni el 7! jaja

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