17 de diciembre

On december 17th, Kian was born. 9 days later i was finally able to hold him in my arms, and 11 days later we brought him home. Looking back, it's as though those 11 days never happened, and i like to pretend they didn't, mostly because i don't want Kian to remember being away from us... after 8 months of being inside me and hearing our voices all the time it didn't seem fair to leave him with other people to care for him. But everything happens for a reason and now he's happy and healthy and being held and kissed and loved so much that i think we've made up for those first days...

So, on december 17th, not only we welcomed Kian into this world, but we were also welcomed into the world of parenthood, and so far, it's been amazing. We've been blessed with a happy baby who is as calm as his dad and likes to sleep as much as his mom, so we've had it pretty easy so far. I know it'll get harder, i know there are challenges ahead, but i also know that the best is yet to come, and that just blows my mind... how can it get better than this???

Hay días en que pasan cosas extraordinarias, cosas que no hacen falta escribirlas para recordarlas, pero siempre hay detalles que con el tiempo se nos escapan.
Hay otros días (la mayoría) en que cosas ordinarias pasan y por más insignificantes que parezcan en el momento, valen la pena ser recordadas, esas pequeñas alegrías que nos da lo cotidiano...
para eso es este blog, para ayudarme a no olvidar lo extraordinario y lo ordinario, lo importante y lo insignificante, lo complejo y lo sencillo de nuestros días, especialmente ahora que los compartimos con Kian.

4 comentarios:

Leila Gates-Wai dijo...

ese post tendria que venir con tissues includios.
Me encanta esa foto de Kian sonriendo!!!

Peripecias dijo...

Por fin el blog!!! Que buena onda, vas a ver que en un año o dos te vas a sorprender de lo que te olvidas y que por suerte escribiste!

Te quiero mucho


Parviz/Anne Ighani dijo...

Dear, dear Lore,
You reached out to us all and brought us home. With tears of love in our eyes we're feeling so grateful that our Kian has you for his mommy.
With our admiration, appreciation and love,
Grammy and Grampy

KalimG dijo...

Grampa Larry is also tearing up. And though the tears, can't help but notice the wonderful writing.