almost 2 months

In his first 2 months of life:

He met 3 of his aunts (Badie, Laila, Zaynab)

2 of his cousins (Sebastian, Franco)

and 3 of his grandparents (Celia, Anne, Parviz).

He sleeps most of the time.

He loves taking baths.

He loves to eat (only breastmilk).

He enjoys tummy time.

He likes car rides and staring out the window.

He seems to be enjoying life...

3 comentarios:

Leila Gates-Wai dijo...

esta tan hermoso!!! me lo como!! cada dia mas lindo!!!

Peripecias dijo...

Lore, sali con cara de loca en la foto!!! no tenís otra mía con Kian??? me las mandas por email, que al final en el viaje a Bolivia no saque ni una sola foto!

KalimG dijo...

Kian looks to have the same happy disposition as Keilana. Maybe she's sent a spiritual heads-up from California, about the wonders that await these two new souls.